1. The other day a friend of mine asked me why I hadn't started selling boxed sets of my books. Thank you
Jowanna Delong Kestner of
Pimpin' Chats Blogs. It helps boost sales of the other books NOT in the boxed set, Jo said. The fact is my first book, SLOW BURN, still sells well and so I was hesitant at first. Then I said why not.Thank goodness I did.
2. I got busy formatting the three books, which wasn't so bad. It was a matter of cut and paste, LOL. See, they were already formatted for kindle.
3. I had to scour copyright free sites online for a cover I could use. When that failed, I studied one I saw online and got busy re-creating it. Thank you Photoshop for making anything possible. Took me hours to create it but the end result was this:
WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK? You can buy it
HERE, where it is 50% of what you'd pay for the three books together.
4. I'm happy I did add a boxed set to my list of published works. Within 24 hours, I'd sold 12 copies and the sales keeps going up.
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