Good morning and thank you for stopping by. I'm first to admit that I suck at bloggiing, but after doing several tours this year, I realized that I could post some of the post here for those who missed the tour. This blog was from the tour MINE UNTIL DAWN tour, book 2 of the FITZGERALD FAMILY series.

How many writers love to write love scenes? If you do, please tell me your secret. Usually, I have to mentally prepare myself for days before writing one. I read my favorite romance authors’ books, watch chick flicks and focus on the foreplay, even watch a few porn for graphic details...I'm serious.
Since I also write YA urban fantasy too with lots of fight scenes, I noticed that I spend days thinking up positions and moves, reading online articles and watching movies/anime with fight scenes before writing them. Why? There’s quite a bit of similarity between fight and love scenes, if you think about it. There are moves and countermoves, senses are engaged at a heightened level, and there’s sweating and heavy breathing.
Writers engage a reader’s senses when they write most scenes. It’s what makes a book fun to read. Your character does not only see through your characters, they smell, touch, hear, and feel. In every scene, you need to use at least three of the senses to make it gel.
So yes, writing a love scene is daunting. Not only must you know, imagine and listen to your character, you must be able to put everything she sees, feels, touches, smells, and hears into words without making them sound crass or disjointed. Since I never want to cheat readers, I tend to switch POVs halfway. Check out the scene below.
“You make me want to experience things. Act differently.” She stroked his upturned face.
“Different good or different bad?” He picked the hem of her dress and flipped it up, exposing her knees, then her thighs.
“Oh, bad. Very, very bad.”
He chuckled.
“Good because that makes two of us.” He caressed her calves, dropped his head to nibble on her thigh.
The astonishing intimacy robbed Jade of breath. It never crossed her mind to protest or cross her legs. Just having him there between her legs, kneeling, his mouth a few breaths away from touching her intimately mesmerized her.
“Lean back,” Vince ordered.
Jade complied, resting on her elbows, her breathing ragged, her gaze unwavering. Waiting. Eager. Apprehensive. She must look like a wanton with her dress bunched around her waist, her stilettos on, and her behind naked.
His hand slipped under her, pulled her closer to the edge of the bed, while the other pushed her wider. Her thighs quivered, her face flaming. She felt so vulnerable, exposed, a shivering mass of nerves. Even the fact that she’d trimmed and fussed over her private parts earlier in the evening didn’t make it any easier. He was down there, looking at her with rapt fascination. Her insecurities doubled.
“Beautiful,” he breathed out against her heated flesh, then he kissed her, right there at the apex of her thighs.
Raw sensations rocked her body, her anxieties forgotten. Moans escaped her mouth, body writhing. The feeling was beyond anything she’d ever felt. Within seconds, he’d taken control of her body, her mind, everything she’d ever known and flipped them. Nothing else mattered but him. His sexy mouth. His wicked tongue. The way he made her feel.
Jade gripped the bed spread, pressed against his mouth, seeking more. Nothing had prepared her for this. Not her romance books, not movies or popular sitcoms, not her faithful dildo. Nothing could have.
Her arm gave out and she flopped on her back. Not sure what to do with her hands, she reached for his head, her eyes closing in ecstasy. A deep hum escaped her mouth as the pleasure skyrocketed. It became a cry as light exploded behind her eyelids and blood roared in her ears.
The crest hurtled her into a vortex of sensations where nothing else mattered but pleasure, crashing, undulating, and endless. Her cries filled the room, her body jerking, almost pushing him off her, but he held firm. His strokes still bold, the mouth still thirsty for her.
Tears filled in her eyes and made it difficult to see Vince as he shifted. He stretched, yanked open his bedside drawer. He stood with the condom clenched between his teeth, his hands going to his belt. Lord, he was magnificent. Jade wanted to crawl all over him and swallow him whole.
She sat up, pushed his hands aside, and unzipped his pants with trembling fingers. She reached inside to find him. The feel of him, hard, long and thick, velvety soft yet ridged with veins was divine. She pushed his pants down to his thighs to reveal all of him.
Oh, my. He rose majestically from a tuft of ebony curly hair. So curious, it never crossed her mind to be embarrassed. He fascinated her, his powerful body, the scars, everything that made him Vince Knight. Her lover. Her fantasy.
Smiling, she stroked and squeezed him. When he groaned, she whispered, “I want to do it right. Tell me what to do.”
“Baby, any more right and my head will explode.” He ripped the condom and sheathed himself under her gaze.
The look in her eyes almost did him in. Vince had never seen such fascination, such uninhibited desire, as though she couldn’t wait to jump him. Yet he knew she was not that experienced. That he had to take it slow with her.
She scooted to the middle of the bed, pulled her dress off, and threw it aside. Her bra followed. When she reached for her high-heels, he caught her hand. “Leave them on.”
He joined her, knelt between her raised knees, his gaze sweeping her. Her hazel eyes sparkled with anticipation. Her scent, wild roses, mixed with the smell of her arousal. Dressed in the black garter belt and stocking that contrasted with her creamy thighs, those heels, and her emerald necklace, she was straight out of his fantasy. Much more than he’d imagined. Dang, he could come just looking at her.
“Glorious,” he murmured and dropped a kiss on her knee, his fingers skimming up her thigh, stroking her belly and ribcage before cupping her breast. His lips followed where his hand had primed, exploring, worshipping until they closed on one taut nipple. The taste of her was intoxicating.
Jade arched her back, her nails digging into his shoulders. Her unrestrained response, her shivers and moan, encouraged him. She was blossoming right before his eyes, and it felt right. Like he was meant to be her lover, to fulfill his and her fantasies. He nuzzled the valley between her breasts and shifted to the other nipple.
She held his head, writhing. When he lifted his head, she shimmied lower until she could kiss him—his forehead, his eyes, lower still until their lips met in a long, hot kiss. One hand caressed his cheek, the other traveled down his hot damp chest, past his belly to find him. Her hands closed on his erection. “I want to feel you inside me.”
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