Monday, December 31, 2012

NEW YEAR GOALS: #books #contempromance #Fitzgeralds #Guardian Legacy @ednahwalters @yaednah_walters

So what does the future hold for you? Any plans? Goals? Resolutions? I hate resolutions coz I never fulfill them. Goals are good coz you need one even if it is a tentative one.

Here is my to-do list for 2013. What do you think?
  • Write 6 full-length books-finish the next GL book, write the next 2 Runes book (these are YA, 80,000 words), 1 paranormal adult romance (a new series,) and the next 2 Fitzgerald books (adult contemporary romance)
  • Write 2 contemporary novella (YA)
  • Save the world at least 3 times (that's what my paranormal series are about, men and women saving the world from total annihilation)
  • Find a publisher for my picture books (not really a priority but I keep putting this off)
  • Cure world hunger one child at a time (my family is planning on supporting a child in an orphanage in Kenya, $35 a month this year)

It seems like a daunting list, but I’m at that place where I’m certain I can do all 5 things. 
Eight books, LOL, I'm pushing it, but hey, they say dream big, right? If I make it, I'll be Queen of the Bookdom. If i don't, I can say I tried. Will start working on one next week.  I'll give myself 6-8weeks to finish it.
In the meantime, let me know what your plans are.
Winner of Mid-Winter HOP is: DARLENE (hope you got my e-mail)

Here’s to 2013!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, six books this year? You're awesome. I'm aiming for three. What an amazing thing to do, supporting a child in an orphanage. All the best to you and your family this year, and good luck meeting your goals.
